Hook Up

I want to tell you that life is lonely without someone beside you. Why I am saying that? This is because there are many people who are really trying hard to find someone whom they will cherish the rest of their lives. Just like a friend of mine the one in that picture above. She found her husband in a dating site online in which they fall in love and get married. They have two kids now and live happily ever after.

I know there are guys out there that tried to find their soul mate so they are hook up by someone they know but it fails. Hubby's nephews got divorce and seems hard for them to find a decent woman in their area. One of them tried online dating and I am sure he is happy now with the new found love. Some people may not agree with long distance relationship but for me its for real and I am the living witness of it. I found hubby in a dating site online also and we got married after two years of friendship. We have two kids now one already went to school and the other one is 15 months old. you really did not know whom you met online so try your luck.

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