Fruits and vegetables are very good for you. It will help you to be healthy and strong without sickness. I know a lot of people doesn't eat a lot of fruits and vegetables thats why we have lots of high blood patients. yesterday some friends that i chatted here in the net told me that their hubby don't like to eat vegetables and they just eat meat a lot. They are afraid of high blood pressure due to that meat eating. High cholesterol and diabetis also is dangerous if always eating meat. Meat is good when you just eat a little but eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Hubby told me that before he got married to myself he ate a lot of meat and he always take a medicine because he has high cholesterol and high blood pressure. He is scared that anymore today thats why we always have fruits and vegetables in our house. He don't have high blood pressure and high cholesterol because he stop eating a lot of meat everyday. Eat fruits and vegetables and you will live longer...Kick high blood pressure and high cholesterol and embrace the new you and healthy you eat fruits & vegetables everyday. If you want to eat meat just eat once in a while.
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