How To Cope Up Stress

As we live day by day life is full of commitment, responsibilities, and other stuff that makes us having stress. Some people tend to take pills for their stress problems. How about take time to meditate or give yourself a break? Sounds good right? But we need to do our everyday responsibilities. Okay i am being dramatic now. I read some tips on how to cope up with stress. I hope it will help you.

10 tips on coping stress

1. Start Slow. Get up 15 minutes early so you don't have to rush. Enjoy the quiet of the morning without the radio on or any outside "noise".
2. Give Your Day to God. Pause to talk with God before you talk with anyone else. Offer every minute of the day to the Lord to use as He desires.
3. Begin Positive. Find something good to say to someone at the beginning of the day. That positive note can color your entire day.
4. Expect Interruptions. See them as opportunities to share God`s love.
5. Release Pressure Points. Go for a short walk if pressure is building. If emotions are rising, postpone further discussions until later in the day when feelings have subsided.
6. Don`t "Do Lunch". Whenever possible, reserve lunchtime for quiet time alone. It helps digestion and gives your mind and emotions a break as well.
7. Get Physical. If your job requires you to sit most of the day, get physical on your break or at lunch. Go to the gym. Take a brisk walk. Ride your bike. Anything to burn off pent-up energy.
8. Keep Proper Perspective. Place a picture of your family where you can see it. Remember what`s most important in life.
9. Pray Continually. As you`re walking to meetings, going to the copy machine, making a delivery, or whatever 10- to 20- second time capsules you have - breathe a prayer. Ask God`s wisdom and guidance.
10. Recognize Accomplishment. Tally up what you`ve accomplished throughout the day. Celebrate what God has allowed you to do.

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